Fruits and vegetables are low in fat, salt and sugar. They are a good source of dietary fiber. As part of a well-balanced, regular diet and a healthy, active lifestyle, a high intake of fruit and vegetables can help you to reduce obesity and maintain a healthy weight, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure.
Category: Health Tips
Study: Honey Better than Antibiotics for Coughs, Colds
Honey is many things to many people. It’s a nutritious, natural sweetener, a concentrated energy source, and an ancient folk remedy for health and healing. Honey is also an active ingredient in beauty and skin-care products and the subject of medical research. What exactly is this sweet and how can it help you?
Survey: Lockdowns Lead to Healthier Eating
Many countries around the world were put on lock down due to the wide spread of the coronavirus. Though a lot of negative things are thought about the lock down period, here is an article that might be one of the positive thought about the lock down.
Olive Oil May Be Good for Heart Health
Filipino dishes mostly start with sautéing using oil. Do you know what type of oil is healthy to use?
COVID-19 Protective Measures
COVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person. It can easily spread through droplets released by a person infected by the virus through sneezing, coughing or even through close contact with them. Fighting with unseen enemy can be really difficult so what are the things that we should do to protect ourselves and our loved ones?